Massachusetts Information

Junk calls and text messages from Massachusetts

About Massachusetts

Massachusetts is a state in the United States, officially known as the "Federal Union of Massachusetts", located in the northeastern United States and is part of the New England area. In Chinese, it is often referred to as "Massachusetts" or "Massachusetts". East Atlantic Ocean, Massachusetts. In most areas, hills and undulating, sea erosion landforms and hail landforms are widespread, northwest is part of the New England Highlands, and the northwest corner of Greylock Mountain is 1064 meters above sea level, the highest point in the state. The coastline is twisted and twisted, and there are many excellent harbors. It is a temperate continental climate with an average annual precipitation of 1000mm. Joined the Federation in 1788, one of the first 13 states when the United States became independent. Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are both located in the state.

Massachusetts contains the following city code

978 857 781 774 617 508 413 351 339
State / Province Flag

Capital: Boston

State: Massachusetts